Women's Christmas Dinner on December 18th, 2021
5:30 P.M.
The address is 4768 W Farm Ct, Boise, ID 83714
5:30 P.M.
The address is 4768 W Farm Ct, Boise, ID 83714

Ladies! We would love to have you join us on December 18th at 5:30pm for a time of dinner, worship and message and Shawna made all the ladies a special Christmas Gift Package! Pastor Ryan's mom Shelley Scheibel will be teaching the women! The address is 4768 W Farm Ct, Boise, ID 83714. Please RSVP below so we know how many are coming so we can prepare properly :) The men will be serving the ladies dinner that night White chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, salad, and dessert. Its going to be a great time of fellowship! Also, men can sign up on the mens page to help serve! This is a dress up event if you would like to dress up :)