How it all started...
Pastor Chuck Smith dedicated Ryan to the Lord when he was a young boy.

My name is Ryan Scheibel, I was born January 18th, 1989, in Orange County, CA. I married my beautiful wife Shawna on September 17th, 2017. I love Jesus, studying the Bible, teaching God's Word, and making disciples of Jesus. I want to share how God saved my life, what He is currently doing in my life, and I hope to encourage others to charge for Jesus! After many years of struggling, I have found the life that God had purposed for me to live and my desire is to help others find God's purpose for their life also, which I believe, comes through knowing Jesus! Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
I grew up in a Christian family, but during my teen years, I started to rebel against what I knew was right and began traveling down a road that was leading to total destruction. After I graduated from high school in 2007, I got into heavy drinking, partying, and daily drug use. My purpose in life was to party and pursue the things of the world, but the pursuit and path I was on only led to dissatisfaction, self-destructive behaviors, and suicidal thoughts. I felt like a failure and thought there was no meaningful purpose for my existence, not to mention that I could not function without being under the control of drugs and/or alcohol. In January 2009, I called my dad to ask for help, and was then admitted to rehab. I went to a rehab locally and surprisingly was able to get clean, usually people cannot stay in their same community/location, with access to all their old contacts and still get sober. I was sober for over 2 years, but still knew there was something not right within me. I came to realize that I was the same sinner within, even without the drugs and alcohol, I saw that I had a heart problem not just a problem with drugs and alcohol. I began to notice how my sober decisions where still leading down the path of destruction to death. I knew I was a horrible captain of my life, my ship, and, whether sober or not, I was headed toward the rocks and shipwreck. I knew, deep down, that I was meant to live for something greater than myself and needed a new captain to take the steering wheel in my life, because I was out of control.
I thank the Lord that in February of 2010 my grandparents invited me to go to the church they were attending. I got plugged into the young adult's Bible study, men's Bible study, and weekly services. One evening, I rode on a bus with the young adults’ group to the Harvest Crusade at Anaheim Stadium, not knowing it would be a night that would change my life forever! Pastor Greg Laurie was sharing on God's love that night; how God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to save us so we could have a relationship with Him, be used by Him to point others to Jesus, and go to heaven for all eternity. I was overwhelmed that God loved me, even though I had done so many horrible things and deserved the exact opposite! I thought God hated me and I thought God did not want anything to do with me because of the horrible sins I had done, and, boy oh boy, was my thinking wrong. That night, I heard Pastor Greg share with us the truth of the bad and good news. He first shared the bad news, how we all, as sinners, deserve to be separated from God in hell for all eternity because of our sins. Next, he shared the good news: how God loved us so much and was not willing for us to be separated from Him for all eternity; so, He sent Jesus to this earth to save us from our sins by dying in our place on the cross, to take the penalty of our sins we deserved upon himself, so that we would not have to be separated from Him for all eternity in hell. The Bible says in John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Jesus layed down his life for us on the cross so all who believe in Him could be saved from the penalty of sin we deserve, have a relationship with Him, and spend all eternity with Him in Heaven. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God.” Grace is getting God’s love, forgiveness, salvation, eternal life in heaven, and many other blessings when we deserve the exact opposite! When I heard God’s love and grace taught in this way it was like a light bulb went on in my head, as Pastor Greg shared the life saving message of the good news of Jesus, I understood the Gospel and believed! Pastor Greg then called, down to the field, all those who wanted to make a decision to follow and put their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Honestly, I kind of hesitated at first about making a public stand for Jesus, but, at the same time, I could not help myself from asking some of my friends to go down onto the field with me. We made our way, down the ramps, onto the left field grass area of Angels Stadium, and I made a decision to follow Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, with tears rolling down my cheeks, August 13th, 2011. From that night on I was on board with God manning my ship. God started to do a mighty work in my life, as He began to shape and mold me into the man He created me to be, and gave me purpose in life to know Him and make Him known!
During the time that I was a new believer, I worked construction full time as a carpenter at several job sites (UCSD, UCLA and LAX International Airport). I loved working with my hands, building metal walls and layering them with drywall. Also, I loved sharing what God was doing in my life with my coworkers and encouraged them to give their lives to Jesus, too. They saw how God was changing my life, but had many questions about the Bible that I was unable to answer. They would tell me that I needed to know the Bible better and that's when another light bulb went on in my head! God created us to share Jesus with other people, wherever He has us, whether at work, school, or hanging out with friends! God began to stir a passion in me to know the Bible better and to share it with others so their lives could be transformed by it as well. During this time, God put a new best friend in my life named Pastor Kevin Utile, who discipled me, teaching me everything he knew about Jesus. It was not long before I ended up taking a step of faith in leaving my job to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College. I had no clue what a wild, amazing adventure God had planned for me, as I started to seek God first! Over the course of two years, while studying the Bible at Calvary Chapel Bible College, God brought me to 11 different countries and 4 states! Some of the highlights were studying the Bible abroad in Israel & Hungary, and spending a summer in Alaska where I interned at Calvary Chapel Juneau, under Pastor Bryan Ewing. During the internship, I helped with prison ministry, had my first experience cutting down trees with a chain saw, ran into more than 12 bears, and hiked the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. I graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College with an associates degree in Theology on May 22, 2014. Shortly after graduation, God opened up the door for me to serve Jesus at Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano serving the Lord in the Jr. High ministry and janitorial/maintenance departments. On February 10, 2016, after our Wednesday night midweek Bible Study, Pastor John called me into his office, with my family there, I was completely surprised and shocked and confused! As I entered, Pastor John sat me down and said they have recognized God's call upon my life to be a pastor, and he ordained me into the ministry and prayed for me!
Shortly after I was ordained God brought my beautiful wife Shawna to me, in April of 2016. We met at the Friday night young adults Bible study at church! We then got engaged in December at a Christmas tree farm where I surprised her and we got married on September 17th, 2017! Marriage to Shawna has been so amazing and I am so thankful to God He gave me her to walk side by side through life together as she is my precious gift, help mate and ministry partner! We love serving God together and sharing His love to others! We had our first baby on December 14, 2018 and we are so thrilled to be parents to our boy Harley David Scheibel! Shawna fell in love with Idaho in Junior high on a trip visiting friends up here and wanted to move here ever since! Ryan has had a burning desire to plant a church but didn't know where so Shawna showed him Idaho and he fell in love with Idaho also! We ended up moving to the treasure valley in the summer of June 2020. Since we have arrived, we have had our son, Brixton Everett who we had the privilege of dedicating at our church and Shawna just had baby #3 Madelynn Joyce Scheibel! God has done a complete miracle in my life and I want to live my life for Jesus for all He has done for me and so other people can find life in Him, also! All I can do is Praise the Lord for all He has done and will do in the future!
I grew up in a Christian family, but during my teen years, I started to rebel against what I knew was right and began traveling down a road that was leading to total destruction. After I graduated from high school in 2007, I got into heavy drinking, partying, and daily drug use. My purpose in life was to party and pursue the things of the world, but the pursuit and path I was on only led to dissatisfaction, self-destructive behaviors, and suicidal thoughts. I felt like a failure and thought there was no meaningful purpose for my existence, not to mention that I could not function without being under the control of drugs and/or alcohol. In January 2009, I called my dad to ask for help, and was then admitted to rehab. I went to a rehab locally and surprisingly was able to get clean, usually people cannot stay in their same community/location, with access to all their old contacts and still get sober. I was sober for over 2 years, but still knew there was something not right within me. I came to realize that I was the same sinner within, even without the drugs and alcohol, I saw that I had a heart problem not just a problem with drugs and alcohol. I began to notice how my sober decisions where still leading down the path of destruction to death. I knew I was a horrible captain of my life, my ship, and, whether sober or not, I was headed toward the rocks and shipwreck. I knew, deep down, that I was meant to live for something greater than myself and needed a new captain to take the steering wheel in my life, because I was out of control.
I thank the Lord that in February of 2010 my grandparents invited me to go to the church they were attending. I got plugged into the young adult's Bible study, men's Bible study, and weekly services. One evening, I rode on a bus with the young adults’ group to the Harvest Crusade at Anaheim Stadium, not knowing it would be a night that would change my life forever! Pastor Greg Laurie was sharing on God's love that night; how God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to save us so we could have a relationship with Him, be used by Him to point others to Jesus, and go to heaven for all eternity. I was overwhelmed that God loved me, even though I had done so many horrible things and deserved the exact opposite! I thought God hated me and I thought God did not want anything to do with me because of the horrible sins I had done, and, boy oh boy, was my thinking wrong. That night, I heard Pastor Greg share with us the truth of the bad and good news. He first shared the bad news, how we all, as sinners, deserve to be separated from God in hell for all eternity because of our sins. Next, he shared the good news: how God loved us so much and was not willing for us to be separated from Him for all eternity; so, He sent Jesus to this earth to save us from our sins by dying in our place on the cross, to take the penalty of our sins we deserved upon himself, so that we would not have to be separated from Him for all eternity in hell. The Bible says in John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Jesus layed down his life for us on the cross so all who believe in Him could be saved from the penalty of sin we deserve, have a relationship with Him, and spend all eternity with Him in Heaven. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God.” Grace is getting God’s love, forgiveness, salvation, eternal life in heaven, and many other blessings when we deserve the exact opposite! When I heard God’s love and grace taught in this way it was like a light bulb went on in my head, as Pastor Greg shared the life saving message of the good news of Jesus, I understood the Gospel and believed! Pastor Greg then called, down to the field, all those who wanted to make a decision to follow and put their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Honestly, I kind of hesitated at first about making a public stand for Jesus, but, at the same time, I could not help myself from asking some of my friends to go down onto the field with me. We made our way, down the ramps, onto the left field grass area of Angels Stadium, and I made a decision to follow Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, with tears rolling down my cheeks, August 13th, 2011. From that night on I was on board with God manning my ship. God started to do a mighty work in my life, as He began to shape and mold me into the man He created me to be, and gave me purpose in life to know Him and make Him known!
During the time that I was a new believer, I worked construction full time as a carpenter at several job sites (UCSD, UCLA and LAX International Airport). I loved working with my hands, building metal walls and layering them with drywall. Also, I loved sharing what God was doing in my life with my coworkers and encouraged them to give their lives to Jesus, too. They saw how God was changing my life, but had many questions about the Bible that I was unable to answer. They would tell me that I needed to know the Bible better and that's when another light bulb went on in my head! God created us to share Jesus with other people, wherever He has us, whether at work, school, or hanging out with friends! God began to stir a passion in me to know the Bible better and to share it with others so their lives could be transformed by it as well. During this time, God put a new best friend in my life named Pastor Kevin Utile, who discipled me, teaching me everything he knew about Jesus. It was not long before I ended up taking a step of faith in leaving my job to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College. I had no clue what a wild, amazing adventure God had planned for me, as I started to seek God first! Over the course of two years, while studying the Bible at Calvary Chapel Bible College, God brought me to 11 different countries and 4 states! Some of the highlights were studying the Bible abroad in Israel & Hungary, and spending a summer in Alaska where I interned at Calvary Chapel Juneau, under Pastor Bryan Ewing. During the internship, I helped with prison ministry, had my first experience cutting down trees with a chain saw, ran into more than 12 bears, and hiked the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. I graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College with an associates degree in Theology on May 22, 2014. Shortly after graduation, God opened up the door for me to serve Jesus at Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano serving the Lord in the Jr. High ministry and janitorial/maintenance departments. On February 10, 2016, after our Wednesday night midweek Bible Study, Pastor John called me into his office, with my family there, I was completely surprised and shocked and confused! As I entered, Pastor John sat me down and said they have recognized God's call upon my life to be a pastor, and he ordained me into the ministry and prayed for me!
Shortly after I was ordained God brought my beautiful wife Shawna to me, in April of 2016. We met at the Friday night young adults Bible study at church! We then got engaged in December at a Christmas tree farm where I surprised her and we got married on September 17th, 2017! Marriage to Shawna has been so amazing and I am so thankful to God He gave me her to walk side by side through life together as she is my precious gift, help mate and ministry partner! We love serving God together and sharing His love to others! We had our first baby on December 14, 2018 and we are so thrilled to be parents to our boy Harley David Scheibel! Shawna fell in love with Idaho in Junior high on a trip visiting friends up here and wanted to move here ever since! Ryan has had a burning desire to plant a church but didn't know where so Shawna showed him Idaho and he fell in love with Idaho also! We ended up moving to the treasure valley in the summer of June 2020. Since we have arrived, we have had our son, Brixton Everett who we had the privilege of dedicating at our church and Shawna just had baby #3 Madelynn Joyce Scheibel! God has done a complete miracle in my life and I want to live my life for Jesus for all He has done for me and so other people can find life in Him, also! All I can do is Praise the Lord for all He has done and will do in the future!
Pastor Greg Laurie with Pastor Ryan. Pastor Greg led Ryan to Jesus at the Harvest Crusade in California!
Pastor Chuck Smith with Pastor Ryan at Calvary Chapel Bible College where Ryan graduated with a degree in Theology.

The Scheibel's
We plan to spend the rest of our lives in Idaho loving God, loving each other and loving and serving all those we meet and sharing the treasures we have found in Jesus with others, so that they can experience all the blessings of God as well! We are so excited to be apart of the community in Idaho!

Where we are headed...

We want to see many people come to know the love of
Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him.
Be a part of our story...
Please be praying for us as we plant Church at the Water Brooks in Idaho.
We would be so blessed to have you join and meet us online or in person at our church.
We would be so blessed to have you join and meet us online or in person at our church.