Water Brooks Church VBS
We would love for your kids to be apart of our FREE Make Waves VBS this year by Signing up below! Its going to be a great week packed with fun games, snacks, crafts, friends and learning about Jesus and the Bible! Parents are welcome to come and be with their kids if they would like : )
Water Brooks Church VBS
Make Waves 2022
July 11-15
Monday - Friday 9am - 11am
Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park
1900 N Records Ave,
Meridian, Idaho
Make Waves 2022
July 11-15
Monday - Friday 9am - 11am
Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park
1900 N Records Ave,
Meridian, Idaho

Sign Up to volunteer at this years VBS below:
Parents and Volunteers we would love your help if you would like to help serve the kids at this years VBS. If you would like to volunteer please sign up below and Pastor Ryan will contact you shortly and we will get you a background check and have you fill out a ministry serving application :) Feel free to contact Pastor Ryan at 949-784-9271 or by email at PastorRyan@WaterBrooks.church