Save the date: December 31st, 2023 New Years Eve we are having a Prophecy Update with special guest speaker KENNY WADE at 10am at church! Did you know that one-fourth of the Bible is prophecy? At Water Brooks Church, we believe it’s essential to study the whole Word of God, verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter. When we see crazy things falling apart worldwide, we can have peace because we know God's Word and that everything is actually coming together prophetically, just as He said. Some people get freaked out by end times talks, but for the believer the end is one of the greatest things that is going to happen. We know there is going to be a tribulation period but for the believer we are going to be taken up out of here in the rapture before the 7 year tribulation.

Join us for a special prophecy update, worship with the woods worship band and a potluck brunch. Please RSVP online at so we know how many people to prepare for 😊👍🏻

10am Sunday, December 31st, 2023

1608 N Meridian Rd
Unit 125
Meridian, Idaho 83642

Please sign up to bring a dish to our Prophecy Update Potluck