Where is the Church? 1 Corinthians 1:2
I’m so excited to have my dear friend Pastor Zack teach Church at the Water Brooks this weekend! He Pastors Flat Creek Baptist Church in Georgia! He is bringing a fire message and you won’t want to miss it!!!
You can watch the message at www.waterbrooks.church or you can get more information about Pastor Zack's ministry at www.Flatcreekchurch.net
Me and Zack met over 10 years ago at rehab both struggling trying to get sober/clean from drugs and alcohol! Since then Jesus got ahold of both our lives and saved us and now we are both Pastors! Our lives are proof that God is real and how He can transform any life that surrenders to Following Him!!!
Check out www.waterbrooks.church/know-god to get your free Bible and devotional!
You can Email Pastor Ryan at